Declutter with Kristine

Let it go to grow



We all have things that no longer bring us joy or have purpose in our lives.  There should be no shame here.  Clutter can be representative of our emotions, thought patterns and behaviors and can be driven by attachment, fear, decision fatigue, and perfectionism.  Living in clutter creates competition for our attention and can trigger stress.  Downstream effects on mental and physical health include disruptions in sleep, anxiety, depression, and negative impacts to our self-esteem and even immune system.  The cycle between clutter and mental health can be challenging to break but starts with honest self-reflection.

The best way to begin your de-cluttering journey is in small steps, focusing on one area or thing at a time.  As your confidence and momentum builds, positive effects begin to enter, new habits and routines develop and maintenance feels less overwhelming.  Mental clarity with less distractions allows for an increased ability to focus on other important tasks.  Tension in relationships can benefit as well.  Letting go of the clutter psychology involves understanding its emotional roots, understanding its effects, and breaking through the barriers. 

Let’s begin!